Often when you mention goals or New Year's resolutions, people tend to get a sense of dread. Often the task of trying to set achievable goals can be daunting, even for the overachievers. Having clearly defined marketing goals that are attached to tangible tasks can help your business stay on track and allow you to create strategies for long-term growth and sustainability.
Marketing Budget: Consider scheduling one of your first meetings in 2024 with Galaxy SEO check-in meetings as a marketing analysis. Often it can help to have a third party review what you are spending to see if it's the right amount and if it's being spent in the right areas.
Business Strategies: What are your long-term goals as far as growth? Will you be expanding into other categories in the next 2-5 years? New territories? Have you considered how to position yourself online so you'll be ready for that growth? We can help you understand what moves you may need to make or at least consider for business growth.
We too have tried to practice what we preach and have created goals in the following categories to help improve our infrastructure and client opportunities over 2024.
10 Total Categories
These are the main categories we identified for our business but we know every business is unique and will have different goals they need to set for their company. If you need assistance understanding where your business stands as far as marketing spending and strategies call us today at 877-840-9992 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with Galaxy SEO and your leadership team.