To make your company a success, it is important to market your business properly and effectively. However, marketing is an inexact science. That is why there is so much truth in the adage, "50% of my marketing works ... I just don't know which 50%."
It's a common business challenge, but one you can conquer and use to your advantage with Tracking Station from Galaxy SEO. Tracking Station is a powerful online and offline media campaign tracking system that takes the guesswork out of building your business.
By plugging into our exclusive Jupiter Platform, you will be able to pinpoint the effectiveness of each of your marketing efforts with Tracking Station. Our platform uses tracking URLs and tracking phone numbers that are unique to each type of marketing strategy (E-mail campaigns, mailouts, billboards, social media, TV, radio, direct sales, and much more).
By assigning a dedicated phone number or a unique URL to each marketing endeavor, Tracking Station shows you which campaigns are reaching customers and which are not. Instead of wondering "which 50%" of your marketing campaigns are successful, let Tracking Station shape your marketing strategy with 100 % clarity while your competitors continue to rely on hit-and-miss efforts.
With our unique Tracking Station technology, you'll reach the right customers with 100 % of your marketing campaigns on TV, radio, social media, direct mail, billboard, E-mail, referral, and any other outlet you choose. To eliminate the "other 50 %" of your current marketing efforts that do not work, contact us at 877-840-9992 and put Tracking Station to work for your business today.